Saturday, May 26, 2007

The Speaker's Race Emerges | Will Lutz:
“Looks like the regular session of the 80th Legislature will end the same way it began – with a Speaker’s race.”
Ed Cognoski responds:

When was this written? It is stamped Sat, May 26, 2007, 12:42 PM, but it reads more like a week ago and with what happened in Austin Friday night, that's like a century ago.

The opposition to Texas House Speaker Tom Craddick tried to make their motion to vacate the chair; the Speaker refused to recognize them; the Speaker's parliamentarian resigned and with his newly appointed parliamentarian speaking in his ear, the Speaker kept parroting the line that the Speaker's refusal to recognize a motion to vacate the chair is not appealable. Will Lutz tells us that "This insurgency may not succeed, but it has crossed the newsworthiness threshold." Indeed.

The place to have been in the D/FW blogosphere last night as all this unfolded was not Dallas Blog, which prides itself on providing the best state and local news, but none other than The Dallas Morning News blog, Capitol Letters. Dead-tree reporters 1, Snarky newcomers 0.

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