Sunday, May 13, 2007

Romney quotes the Bible

DallasNews Religion | Bruce Tomaso:
“Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is citing Scripture to defend his oppositon to gay marriage.”
Ed Cognoski responds:

It'll be interesting to see how long Gov Romney is going to be given a free pass. It's considered politically incorrect to ask a candidate to defend his faith, even if the candidate himself wears his faith on his sleeve and quotes Scripture to defend his positions on civil law. Besides, most Americans don't have a clue what's in the Book of Mormon and that includes reporters who otherwise might ask embarrassing questions of Gov Romney.

"OK, candidates, a show of hands. How many of you believe Jesus traveled to America after his resurrection and preached to some refugees of the Tower of Babel who were then living in Palmyra, New York? ... Anyone? Anyone? Is your hand up, Governor Romney? Good, then. Can you stand over there with the three candidates who don't believe in evolution?"

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