Saturday, May 26, 2007

Legislative sausage continues

DallasNews Religion | Jeffrey Weiss:
“Anyway, so what happened to the bill that would have required time for religious speech by students in public schools (and some other things)? It died. I think.”
Ed Cognoski responds:

Not so dead after all. The bill was revived Saturday. HB 3678 will require schools to provide limited public forums that do not discriminate against a student's voluntary expression of a religious viewpoint (if any) on otherwise permissible subjects/topics.

Sounds good, right? It protects students' free speech rights to mention Jesus in, say, a valedictorian address. And if you are a real proselytizer, it might even sound great, because now schools would be forced to give you a forum to praise Jesus. Schools couldn't just eliminate student speeches altogether to avoid controversies.

But be careful what you wish for. You might just get it. Other religions will want in on the game, too. Kids have a way of wanting to stand out. Expect demands for Muslim prayers, gay rights debates, Wiccan lessons, appeals to Jedi masters and "The Force" and who knows what else. And by law, schools shall be forced to provide these forums. If this bill passes, morning announcements, pep rallies, graduation ceremonies all stand to get lots more interesting. Lots.

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