Friday, May 18, 2007

Dobson gives Giuliani two big thumbs down

DallasNews Religion | Bruce Tomaso:
“James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family, says he cannot vote for Republican Rudy Giuliani, who is seeking his party's presidential nomination. Stressing that he was speaking as a private citizen, and not in behalf of Focus on the Family, Dobson called Giuliani an 'unapologetic supporter of abortion on demand.' He criticized Giuliani for favoring same-sex partner benefits.”
Ed Cognoski responds:

Republicans are cleaving on the wedge issues they exploited so well to win elections for a generation - abortion, guns, God, gays. Democrats, on the other hand, are seemingly united. But there's a bigger issue that can still split the Democrats, too, and that's Iraq. There are 18 months until the election, a long time for Democrats to get impatient with failed attempts to budge President Bush from his disastrous "stay the course" strategy. When that impatience boils over, it'll be Democrats blaming each other for ineffectiveness. Giuliani's stand on abortion and McCain's stand on gay marriage will be page 2 news.

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