Thursday, May 17, 2007

Gonzales' "ignore everything" strategy is still working

Dallas Morning News | Carl Leubsdorf:
“Outwardly, the attorney general's success in outlasting his critics might indicate that Mr. Bush hasn't lost his clout, despite diminished popularity stemming mainly from the Iraq war. But it may also reflect the fact that the president has little to gain from ousting Mr. Gonzales in terms of bolstering his public standing or clout on Capitol Hill. ”
Ed Cognoski responds:

... or little to gain in terms of defending himself and his administration from the Congressional and legal probes into their many suspect practices over the last six years. And that might be the biggest reason to keep a "loyal Bushie" like Alberto Gonzales around — to stonewall anyone looking into possible illegalities in this White House.

Carl Leubsdorf is right that the President won't get another "loyal Bushie" confirmed if Atty Gen Gonzales goes. The legal probes won't go away, especially if the replacement shows any independence and loyalty to the Constitution. President Bush won't regain clout on Capitol Hill. Lame ducks never do, and lame ducks as wounded as President Bush is certainly won't.

There's only one reason why President Bush might consider jettisoning Alberto Gonzales. And that's to shore up the 2008 election outlook for Republicans whose prospects are looking bleaker all the time. That President Bush is turning his back on his party is the final indictment of his Presidency. Karl Rove ("Bush's brain") was famously described as seeking to build a permanent Republican majority. In his final days, we see that George W Bush didn't share that goal. Surviving another 18 months in office is as far as his vision extends.

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