Wednesday, March 07, 2007

You Tube booted out of Turkey

Dallas Blog | Tom Pauken:
“ 'A Turkish court today ordered access to YouTube to be blocked because of videos allegedly insulting the founder of modern Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk,' according to the Associated Press. AP reports that the video prompting the ban 'allegedly said Ataturk and the Turkish people were homosexuals, according to news reports.' ”
Ed Cognoski responds:

I can't tell if Mr Pauken approves or disapproves. Turkey is suppressing this wild new medium with its rotten pop culture of materialism, consumerism and hyper-sexualization. You'd think this news would be music to his retro-tuned ears. But it's Muslims (read Islamo-fascists) doing it. That can't be good, can it? What to think. What to think.

I'll tell you what I think. Censorship is bad, whether it's done by the government of Turkey, the government of China, the government of the US, or even by private businesses like Dallas Blog. That private parties have a right to do something doesn't mean they should.

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