Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Gandalf moment

Dallas Blog | William Murchison:
“You'’re comfortably orthodox in the main matters of daily life: marriage, family, church; and yet no plausible candidate for president speaks for you so eloquently as the late Ronald Reagan. ... Frodo the Hobbit remarks, as darkness descends on Middle Earth, 'I wish it need not have happened in my time.' ”
Ed Cognoski responds:

What's with the malaise and all the talk of darkness descending on Middle Earth? King Ronald's reign is fading into history. Bush the Younger's days are numbered. Cheer up! It's Morning in America again!

"A previous supposition had been that politicians and judges generally left moral matters to the regulation of the community at large, meaning pastors, parents, and the like. It was only with the school prayer decisions of the 1960s that government added moral and philosophical questions to its agenda. ... States generally prohibited abortion and prescribed marriage as a rite for heterosexuals alone."
Mr Murchison contradicts himself. Prohibiting abortion and gay marriage was not a case of politicians and judges leaving moral matters to pastors, parents and the like. It was a case of the state edicting morals. That the edicts were aligned with Mr Murchison's own religious beliefs doesn't change that. Now, the state is slowly doing just what Mr Murchison claims to want — leaving morals to pastors, parents and the like. Still more reason to cheer. It sure does feel like Morning in America.

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