Monday, March 26, 2007

Rhode Island school district bans Easter Bunny

Dallas Blog | Tom Pauken:
“The Superintendent of the Tiverton Public Schools in Rhode Island banned the Easter Bunny from appearing at a fundraising event held at the Tiverton Middle School. ... Isn't this carrying political correctness and separation of Church and State a bit too far?”
Ed Cognoski responds:

LOL. You'd think this could be a wedge issue that the far left and far right could actually agree on. The left, because they want separation of church and state to keep public schools from endorsing Christianity. The right, because they don't want Easter to be polluted with pagan symbols like the Easter Bunny.

But it's not to be. Sigh. Let's see if Tom Pauken's conservative cause du jour stirs the partisans on Dallas Blog this morning.

1 comment:

Max Edison said...

The term political correctness means nothing. It is a crutch for those who cannot think clearly. I remember when it was politically correct to call people niggers and hate anybody different from me, so it doesn't bother me. Politeness is important.