Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Obama v Clinton: showdown in the pulpits

Dallas Blog | Tom Pauken:
“The Daily Telegraph has an excellent analysis of the first Barack Obama/Hillary Clinton showdown Sunday in Selma, Alabama. ... As the Telegraph noted, 'Mrs. Clinton spoke at First Baptist Church, less than a block from Brown Chapel.' According to the Telegraph, Mrs. Clinton spoke 'with a Southern twang not normally detectable in her speeches.' ”
Ed Cognoski responds:

The Telegraph story is not bad. Yet, the only thing about Hillary Clinton that Tom Pauken thought significant enough to include in his summary is some British reporter's description of her accent? So much for thoughtful analysis from Dallas Blog.

By the way, this event was covered in hundreds of newspapers and Web sites. Why did Dallas Blog feel a conservative-leaning European newspaper's coverage of it was the only one to cite for its readers? I suggest readers do a Google news search on "Obama Clinton Selma" and read dozens of better stories on the event.

1 comment:

Ed Cognoski said...

By the way, this post was submitted as a comment to Dallas Blog, which is moderated. It never appeared. No notice. No explanation. About the same time, in another thread, Tom Pauken told another poster, "As you can see, there is no 'conspiracy' here to prohibit comments here."

Uh huh.