Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The Democratic Implosion

Dallas Blog | William Murchison:
“What I mean, is, can't the Democrats see? Don't they have eyes? A single set would help, under the circumstances. What others are watching with mounting anxiety is the moral and intellectual implosion of a political party. Nor do I mean the Republican Party, for all its undoubted problems and shortcomings. I mean, rather, the party of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and Pat Leahy and John Murtha and so on and so forth, who for two months -- and we're only getting started, folks -- have kept their country in carefully engineered turmoil.”
Ed Cognoski responds:

For the first time in six years, Congress is throwing open the shutters of government, letting in the fresh air and sunshine, revealing for all to see the dirt, garbage and vermin left behind by the unchecked partying of the former Republican Congress and current Republican administration.

And who does William Murchison criticize? Why, of course, the Democratic garbage collectors for bringing the Republican abuses and corruption to light.

Perjury, obstruction of justice, neglect of wounded soldiers and veterans, abuse of the Patriot Act to conduct wiretapping unrelated to the war on terror, turning US Attorneys into party tools to prosecute Democrats and protect Republicans, and on and on. Abuses dismissed by William Murchison as mere "foofaraw". Perhaps, Mr Murchison has been wallowing in the stink himself for so long he no longer can smell it. Thankfully, the Democrats can and are finally airing out the place.

P.S. Do Dallas Blog contributors write their own headlines? If so, do you think Mr Murchison is just too punctilious to bring himself to write the grammatically incorrect, but popular, Republican locution "Democrat Implosion". He seems to be the only Republican who can resist the temptation. Even President Bush in his State of the Union address used the gratuitous insult while supposedly congratulating his political opponents. ;-)

1 comment:

Ed Cognoski said...

Tom Pauken commented on William Murchison's post. He blamed the Democrats for not having a plan. In other words, like Mr Murchison, his defense of the Republicans was an ad hominem attack on Democrats.

I posted a reply that never appeared. Censorship reigns. I just now posted another comment. I wonder what it's chances of being approved are:

"Mr Pauken, there's a bug in Dallas Blog. I submitted a comment yesterday that never appeared. You might want to look into the mechanics of the site.

"In short my comment said that it's false to claim Democrats don't have a plan. The plan begins with, 'When you find yourself in a hole, quit digging.'

"I can't imagine why it wasn't posted. It's not like Dallas Blog censors comments that challenge the institutional thinking. That would be hypocritical."