Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Democrats resort to trying death by a thousand cuts

Dallas Morning News | Mark Davis:
“Mr. Gonzales has plenty to answer for, but the elevation of these attorney dismissals to a Watergate-caliber controversy is wholly without basis. Add the irony that the voices stoking the scandal imagery are from the same congressional and journalistic outposts that have sugar-coated the Clinton years for more than a decade, and the spectacle borders on the obscene.”
Ed Cognoski responds:

LOL. Like Mark Davis' columns are an irony-free zone.

To paraphrase Mr Davis himself, measured discourse is rare when there is a castle to defend. In fact, the Democrats aren't storming the castle. They are sweeping it out. The garbage and dung that's collected there during six years of Republican Congressional and White House rule is knee-deep. Mark Davis has flung enough of it over the years that he doesn't even smell the stench. Or at least claims not to. He's still flinging. Irony, indeed.

1 comment:

Max Edison said...

Mark Davis is a scribe for the Republican National Committee, and his opinions are almost valueless. His column is a waste of space and ink. Short Mark Davis: George Bush is good, Bill Clinton is bad. Well, thanks Mark, but that's old news.