Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The 'vast right wing conspiracy' is back, says Hillary

Dallas Blog | Tom Pauken:
“'The vast, right-wing conspiracy is back, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is warning, using a phrase she once coined.' The Associated Press reports that the Democratic presidential [candidate] used that term to attack Republicans in a speech to Democratic municipal officials on Tuesday.”
Ed Cognoski responds:

Tom Pauken omits any mention of what prompted Hillary Clinton's remarks, as if maybe she is imagining things. She was in New Hampshire and referred to a criminal case there in which three Republicans were convicted of interfering with Democratic get-out-the-vote efforts in the 2002 election, including Republican National Committee operative James Tobin.

In another case recently brought to justice, high White House officials lied in making a case for war, smeared political opponents who threatened to reveal the lies, covered up the smear, then lied to a grand jury about the coverup. The chief of staff to the Vice President of the United States was convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice.

In other news, United States Attorneys have alleged Republican politicians exerted undue political influence on pending legal cases, after which the White House exerted influence on the Justice Department to fire attorneys who weren't sufficiently zealous in pursuing the President's political agenda. The chief of staff of the Attorney General has resigned in the scandal and there are calls for the Attorney General himself to resign.

Exactly what part of "vast, right wing conspiracy" does the vast right wing conspiracy think is an inaccurate description? Senator Clinton didn't claim this conspiracy is "back". It's been operating unimpeded for a decade. In 2003, Senator Clinton said, "My only regret was using the word conspiracy, because there's absolutely nothing secret about it."

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