Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Huckabee and theocracy; Clinton and civil rights

The Nightly Build...

Huckabee Goes for the Theocracy Vote

Rod Dreher, on the The Dallas Morning News Opinion blog, defends Mike Huckabee's outrageous proposal to amend the constitution to ban abortion and gay marriage "because it's a lot easier to change the Constitution than it would be to change the word of the living God."

Dreher believes the nation's laws should enforce Christian morality. He considers it a double standard that liberals want to force Christian theocrats like Huckabee and himself to respect individual civil rights and liberties.

Huckabee and Dreher scare me. So do Muslims who want to impose sharia. The US Constitution enumerates individual liberties and rights that not even a democratic majority has the right to take away. Some rights are unalienable, as asserted in the Declaration of Independence. It's one thing to pass a Constitutional amendment to clarify Presidential succession, or to legalize an income tax. It's something else again to tamper with basic Constitutional freedoms. Not even the tyranny of a democratic majority should be allowed to mess with these. Huckabee and Dreher are threats to our liberties. Liberals are not.

Clinton and Civil Rights: Phony Controversy

Mark the date. Mark Davis, in his column today in The Dallas Morning News, defends Bill and Hillary Clinton. You heard that right. Specifically, he defends them against charges of racism. Sure, it's a preposterous charge in the first place, but in the heat of the presidential campaign, words are taken out of context, words are twisted, words are made up of whole cloth, to smear an opponent.

Mark Davis knows how to play hardball himself. But he doesn't this time. Davis' column might come after both Clinton and Obama have taken steps to tamp out the flames. Davis might make a few left-handed compliments about the Clinton's support for civil rights. But, all in all, he's right that charging the Clintons with not supporting civil rights is absurd.


Anonymous said...

Huckleberry is too conservative on religion and too liberal on criminals and the economy and immigration.

Huckabye? Huckabee wants to have adulterers, homosexuals and rape victims stoned to death. He also wants to make alcohol and music videos illegal, and make women 2nd class citizens and to take all girls out of school.

Oops, my bad, that's another 'religion'.

Hey, anybody but the PIAPS!

if you’re MAD
punish your country
VOTE for Hillary

Scout said...

Interesting observation. Liberals don't like Huckabee's theocratic tendencies. Conservatives don't like his economic populism. I hadn't considered the possibility that there is a class of voter who doesn't like either one.

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