Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Hagel/Bloomberg; Judge Jerry Buchmeyer

The Nightly Build...


Dallas Blog's Scott Bennett drums up interest in third parties by reporting on a gathering planned for Oklahoma City on January 7. Attending will be Chuck Hagel, Michael Bloomberg and a host of former GOP and Democratic office holders.

Bennett likens Hillary Clinton to Richard Nixon in drag. And Rudi Giuliani to Richard Nixon occasionally in drag. He calls Barack Obama and John Edwards lightweights. He dismisses anyone except McCain on the GOP side as a loser, and Huckabee comical. That leaves an independent as Scott Bennett's only hope and Hagel/Bloomberg the most promising saviors. He scripts a scenario that has Ron Paul splitting from the GOP, Mike Huckabee, too, and even Gov Arnold Schwarzenegger of California throwing his weight behind the independent ticket. Bennett doesn't say how likely this scenario is, but he does say it it serious business.

I hate to rain on Scott Bennett's parade, but even if this whole string of unlikely events happened, an independent ticket winning the White House would still be near impossible. As Benett himself says, a split vote would most likely throw the election into the House of Representives. Last time I looked, Democrats and Republicans had a near lock on seats there. Independents need not apply.

Buchmeyer Did a Lot of Good for Dallas

U.S. District Judge Jerry Buchmeyer announced plans to retire. Buchmeyer was instrumental in ending unconstitutional discrimination against African-Americans in public housing in Dallas. He also ended the unconstitutional electoral system that discriminated against African-American voters in Dallas City Council representation. Buchmeyer did a lot of good for Dallas. He will be missed.

But not for Tom Pauken. Pauken repeats the usual right-wing whine against judicial activism. Pauken was happy as long as the unconstitutionally gerrymandered city council continued to vote in favor of Pauken's interests and in favor of continued discrimination against African-Americans. Beware of wingers decrying judicial activism. It usually means some judge is finally applying the Constitution.


Walter Lewkowski said...

People have a right to live in a peaceful neighborhood even if they are not super rich like the Judge. The Judge would never allow the public housing families to live next to him. That’s the test that separates a sanctimonious hypocrite who wants to be publicly praised as pro-African-American, such Judge Buchmeyer, and a true upholder of our constitution.

I don’t expect you to ask the Judge why he doesn’t move his family to a black neighborhood. Even less do I expect you to move to a black neighborhood!

Ed Cognoski said...

Your implication that a neighborhood with African-Americans cannot be peaceful is racist.

Where the judge lives and whether or not that makes him a hypocrite is irrelevant to the question of the Constitutionality of a law. Where I live is even less relevant.

But thanks for commenting.

PackChairman said...

Ed I see by the ending of your surname that you belong to intellectually gifted ethnic group. But as strong as an endorsement that that is, it will by itself not carry the day. You must do some good hard logical thinking.

In the history of the US Supreme Court and the Constitution the key case to keep in mind is Griswold v. Connecticut, and the all important sentence to remember is, “The foregoing cases suggest that specific guarantees in the Bill of Rights have penumbras, formed by emanations from those guarantees that help give them life and substance.”

Yes the Constitution is a living document. But the rights of man don’t depend on the US Constitution. They are God given, and must be protected from our government rapacious appetite to violate them. Foremost among the rights of man is the right to discriminate. He may sell to or not to whomever. He may live by or with whomever he pleases, for what ever reasons he may or many not chose to disclose.

It is of no importance what reason I have for discriminating for or against blacks. That is my and your right. The Constitution and an army of Justices cannot take it away, they can only violate it. It is better for you, me, and all Americans if the right of whites or blacks to discriminate for and against one another is left intact. This is called freedom.

As for government’s discriminating on account of race, that is another matter. I suggest you look into Affirmation Action before you condemn it.

Ed Cognoski said...

Thomas Jefferson made a powerful statement about man's God-given rights. They are the rights of individuals, not of governments. The Buchmeyer decisions for which he is lauded dealt with public housing and city councils. packchairman, whether or not you have an individual God-given right to discriminate against persons on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin is a different subject. In the cases at hand, the government does not.

Walter Lewkowski said...

“The Buchmeyer decisions for which he is lauded dealt with public housing and city councils, not individual rights.”

“The order, by Judge Jerry Buchmeyer of Federal District Court, calls for the Federal housing department to make it possible to place 3,200 public housing units in "predominantly white areas" of Dallas and its suburbs. It is still not clear how many units would go into the suburbs and how many into the city.” From the NY Times http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9A06E2DB1F39F931A15757C0A960958260&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=all

Can you see how it all ties together? There is a federal Housing Authority. Where in the United States Constitution is the Federal government permitted to operate a Housing Authority? Were Judge Buchmeyer to follow the Constitution he would order the agency discontinued. And what does the Housing Authority do? It violates Americans right to associate with whom ever they please.

I think it is important to put yourself in other people’s shoes. The state schools (indoctrination centers) have severed Americans up a steady diet of diversity is good for you so eat it all up. But almost every person who is given a choice avoids diversity and multiculturalism and favor s an ethnic solidarity with his own kind.

People favor their own race, there is no ill will held against any other race. All are God’s children. It is undeniably normal for people to look on their own race as closer to family. If you walk a mile in these perfectly normal white people’s shoes I’ sure you will reach a better understanding.

Now along come Buchmeyer and his crowd of diversity religious zealots. They see the tranquil existence of these happy Poles, Irish, Germans and others of European stock and they turn red with hatred. They are incensed because these white people do not adore the god of multiculturalism. Like Diocletian, Buchmeyer rules they must die.

There is an old Jewish saying, “You’re not Jewish until your grandchildren are Jewish.” The people of Israel don’t want non-Jews living in Israel. They feel that diversity and multiculturalism will destroy their country. They are right of course. This is the same way white feel abut their neighborhoods. What is wrong with that?

A federal judge has the power to send blacks to any neighborhood. But he doesn’t send them to his own. Instead he ships them off to a far away city, Dallas. Can anyone in their right mind praise such hypocrisy?

Ed Cognoski said...

Not everyone is as happy as Walter Lewkowski with segregation. The Buchmeyer rulings didn't come out of the blue. There was a plaintiff in each case, a plaintiff who was not satisfied with government discrimination and arranged segregation. Feel free to live where you want, but you don't get to tell others where to live, nor to insist that government keep your neighborhood segregated to your liking.

Walter Lewkowski said...

You are getting ever so close to the truth. “Feel free to live where you want, but you don't get to tell others where to live, nor to insist that government keep your neighborhood segregated to your liking.” We are not telling others where to live, only where they can’t live. Certainly you have the right to tell a homeless man that he cannot park himself in your living.

I insist only that the government not use its power to un-segregate my or anyone else’s neighborhood. You are probably too young to remember, and the schools don’t inform students, so you don’t know that before the madness of social engineered integration took over America thousands of safe inexpensive neighborhoods made up American big cities.

Wealthy politicians, including federal judges, did not have to suffer the evils that forced integration brought on the middles class. Personally it cost me over $100,000 to move my family from a neighborhood that deteriorated to the unsafe state almost overnight. Our new house is really no better, but it is in a safe neighborhood.

There is a fallacy in your thinking. You say that minorities are equal to whites. But even though they are equal they must mix with whites. They must draw from whites that white-magic that will give minorities equality. They must live with whites. They must go to school with whites. On their own, without white people to bestow the white-magic, minorities will fail.

Government forced integration is like the Berlin Wall. The government captured, imprisoned, shot and killed citizens trying to reach freedom. The communist wall was there to keep people in. People had no trouble enter East Germany. Americans want to escape integration. Voluntary integration is available to all whites. They don’t want it; Especially men like Judge Buckmeyer.

Ed Cognoski said...

Walter Lewkowski said, "We are not telling others where to live, only where they can’t live."

That's a distinction without a difference. It's also illegal. Your racist attitude has been rightly rejected by the courts, the American people and by natural law.

Walter Lewkowski said...

The flight from reality that the liberal illogical mind must take.

“Walter Lewkowski said, ‘We are not telling others where to live, only where they can’t live.’

That's a distinction without a difference. It's also illegal. Your racist attitude has been rightly rejected by the courts, the American people and by natural law.”

So if I announce myself at the Barac Obama front door. Notify them that I am moving in. When they object saying, “You can’t live here.” I tell them they are all wrong because Ed Cognaski says there’s no difference in you telling me where I can’t live from telling where I must live. And that my good man is a “racist attitude has been rightly rejected by the courts, the American people and by natural law.”
“Well”, says Mr. and Mrs. Obama, “Ed says that, in that case come right on in. And when we move to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. you’re welcome there too.”

Ed Cognoski said...

Judge Buchmeyer didn't rule that the law requires you to open your door and let anyone live in your house with you.