Thursday, January 10, 2008

Horse meat; Hillary's tears

The Nightly Build...

Horse Slaughter Moves to Mexico

Now that the horse lovers have gotten the slaughter houses in Texas shut down, they've discovered that the business has just relocated across the border to Mexico. American horses are still being slaughtered, only now it's after a much longer trailer ride and in perhaps more abusive conditions.

I can't figure the logic in opposing slaughtering and eating horses, but having no problem with slaughtering and eating cows and pigs.

One argument is that horses have other uses -- riding, racing, drawing and hauling. So? Why can't they be eaten, too?

Another argument is that the animals are abused. Well, pass animal protection laws to ensure the slaughter is done humanely. Just banning the slaughter doesn't ensure humane treatment for the old or injured horses and may result in more abuse, not less, for unwanted horses. At least PETA is consistent. They oppose all animal abuse. But I bet the horse lovers hate PETA. Go figure.

Yet another argument is that horses are so intimately tied to the romance of American history that it is unacceptable to eat them. OK, you love horses and don't feel anything for cows and pigs. There are others who don't feel anything special towards horses, but may think cows are holy or pigs are dirty. Logically, there's no way to differentiate. Majority rule would settle it, I suppose, but everyone agreeing not to impose their own animal preferences on everyone else would be another solution.

Hillary's Tears

Tod Robberson of DallasMorningViews raises a volatile subject, wondering whether Hillary Clinton's tears were genuine when she choked up when an answering a question in New Hampshire. His blog headline, "Clinton's Planted Tears," implies she was faking. But his admission that her campaign officials reacted in horror, would lead to different conclusion.

Others have wondered whether the scene gave insight into Clinton's humanity (working to her advantage) or showed a feminine weakness (working to her disadvantage). Some of those rushing to Clinton's defense accuse the second-guessers of sexism for even discussing the incident. Robberson scrambled to say all he is questioning is Clinton's sincerity, not her toughness.

Yesterday, Rufus Shaw (Dallas Blog) accused the Clintons of racism for criticizing Barack Obama. Now, Robberson is accused of sexism for criticizing Hillary Clinton. Politics is a blood sport. Reporters sometimes will be caught in the crossfire. Reporters sometimes will take a pot shot or two themselves. Here's an example of one reporter shooting himself in the foot. Get used to it. The campaign of 2008 is just heating up.

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