Thursday, January 31, 2008

Pre-paid cell phones

The Nightly Build...

When Phones are Outlawed...

Trey Garrison took time out from denigrating the goal of equality to mock Senator John Carona's plan to make pre-paid cell phones harder to get and easier to track as a crime-fighting measure. This time, Garrison's libertarian streak is put to good use. Sure, allowing the government to track all pre-paid cell phone use might make it a bit easier to control gangs, drug smugglers, and terrorists, but there's still something about the Fourth Amendment right against unreasonable search and seizure that appeals to me. How much of the Constitution must we sacrifice to protect ourselves and our liberties?


Trey said...

That post drew in at least two prominent local Republican activists who are defending Carona tooth and nail. Funny stuff.

Scout said...

The parallel to gun control should have been obvious to a professional politician like Carona. Does he have an explanation how he can oppose one and support the other? Or does he? How about those local Republican activists? How do they address this point?