Friday, July 27, 2007

Why Harry Potter is 'essentially Christian'

DallasNews Religion | Jeffrey Weiss:
“[C.S. Lewis] was creating a world where Christian teachings are visibly, unambiguously, part of the day-to-day framework. The same way that, say, the gravitational acceleration of 10 meters per second squared is simply part of our everyday life.”
Ed Cognoski responds:

As Jeffrey Weiss contrasts C.S. Lewis' fiction with J.K. Rowling's, he employs a wonderful analogy of gravity. The example comes from Newton, but anyone with exposure to Einstein's theories knows how strangely the "real" world behaves compared to what we take for granted about the world. If Einstein's universe was "visibly, unambiguously, part of the day-to-day framework", many of our supposedly common sensical notions about God, the Universe and Everything would be recognized to be as misguided as I imagine C.S. Lewis wanted us to think a world view without Christianity is.

For example, some Creationists argue that the Big Bang proves there must be a God because something had to exist before the Big Bang to cause it to happen in the first place. And that something must be God. In fact, a proper understanding of physics leads us to discard our everyday notion about time. Time itself was created with the Big Bang. The very concept of anything before the Big Bang is non-sensical, just as the notion of something being north of the North Pole is illogical. You can form sentences using the words, sentences that seem to make sense, but at heart are logically faulty. Just as most of the arguments of Creationists are logically faulty.

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