Friday, July 20, 2007

Christian Zionists Call for Iran Attack | Tom Pauken:
“Thousands of Christian Zionists descended on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. yesterday to lobby Congress in support of a U.S. attack on Iran.”
Ed Cognoski responds:

Leave it to Tom Pauken and Dallas Blog to feature a story about a Christian Zionist rally. If it has to do with extremist Christians feeling persecuted or advancing Armageddon, Tom Pauken will find the story on so-called news media such as World Net Daily, CNS News or World Faith News and pass it along to Dallas Blog readers. Often, the biases are bare, truthfulness suspect, independent corroboration lacking.

But this account doesn't quite fit that mold. This is a convention of thousands of people in our nation's capital. The organization and its leader were clearly identified (Christians United For Israel, led by the Reverend John Hagee of San Antonio, Texas), and most striking, the advertised speakers include a former Speaker of the House of Representatives (Newt Gingrich), a former candidate for Vice President of the United States (Joseph Lieberman) and a former Prime Minister of Israel (Benjamin Netanyahu, by video). President Bush supposedly sent greetings.

I suppose there are conventions going on all the time all over the US and the world. Most are not newsworthy, even if the President says hello. But this one, featuring heavyweight politicians, where the leader calls for an attack on Iran, is ignored not only by the mainstream media, but by everyone except a few Jewish papers and a few more right-wing Christian news media (and Dallas Blog, but that's kind of redundant). It's almost enough to make one start believing in conspiracy theories.

P.S. Tom Pauken blocked me from posting this comment on Dallas Blog itself. And that's no conspiracy theory. ;-)

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