Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Newt Gingrich v. Robert Novak

Dallasblog.com | Tom Pauken:
“Once I had finished reading Robert Novak’s new best-seller on his 50 years reporting in Washington entitled 'The Prince of Darkness', I understood why Gingrich was so upset with Novak. The author’s discussion of Gingrich in his book makes it clear that he is no fan of the former Speaker and that Novak sees Newt Gingrich as more of a political opportunist than a true conservative.”
Ed Cognoski responds:

There goes Tom Pauken again, breaking Ronald Reagan's eleventh commandment: Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican. The falling out is over claims to be the standard bearer for "true" conservatism. Political analyst Rick Perlstein first recognized this Republican attitude that 'conservatism never fails; it is only failed.' In this case, it's Newt Gingrich that Mr Pauken is throwing under the bus for failing to live up to Mr Pauken's definition of conservative. Newt Gingrich, of all people. It seems that the shrinking conservative tent has room for only Goldwater, Reagan and Mr Pauken himself, and two of them are dead. Maybe Fred Thompson, now being vetted for inclusion himself, will pass muster with Mr Pauken.

Rick Tyler, Communications Director and Spokesperson for Speaker Newt Gingrich, was moved to comment on Mr Pauken's Dallas Blog post:

Pauken, no stranger to political opportunism, was likely asked to write a review to help sell Novak’s book and I want to help. Please buy Novak’s book 'Prince of Darkness'. But when you get to the parts about Newt, remember that we need another true conservative political opportunist like Newt.
It appears the battle over "true" conservatism is on.

P.S. Tom Pauken's censorship blocks me from commenting directly on Dallas Blog. Is that conservative? I'm just asking.

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