Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Do The Democrats Mean It? Probably Not

Dallasblog.com | William Murchison:
“The Democrats are poised to hurl America right over the cliff, to the rocks below. ... So what eats at these people, these Democrats? One more reasonable guess and I'll quit: opportunism eats at them; gnaws their ankles, consumes their innards. The Democrats frankly don't care what they say so long as whatever it is appears to inflame the voters, stir discontent with the present Republican regime; so long as it seems to lift the Democratic Party a little nearer the goal of power. Yes, power, wonderful power! Power to stick it to those who took power from you; to pay them back but good; to rub their noses in powerlessness and humiliation. I'd say that's the motive power of the Democrats right now: pay back; vengeance; revenge.”
Ed Cognoski responds:

Something is surely eating at William Murchison. He gives us a mirror into his own tortured soul, revealing more about the rage caused by the failures of conservatism than is revealed about his political nemesis, the Democratic Party. Given that his own side's turn in power has been such a disastrous failure, his only consolation is the hope that Democrats will, in turn, fail, too. So sad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

William Murchison has been a bitter, ineffective little man for more than 30 years. His hatefulness is pathetic, and he sees everything through a partisan filter. Nothing he says should be believed.