Thursday, August 27, 2009

Routh Creek Parkway

"They paved paradise and put up a parking lot."
-- Joni Mitchell

Ian McCann, in The Dallas Morning News' Richardson blog, reports on the ribbon cutting for Richardson's Routh Creek Parkway, a new road serving the new Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas headquarters. Two paragraphs stood out:

"Richardson's newest street opened Thursday morning after a ribbon cutting ceremony in the Spring Creek Nature Area.


'This is in place because of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas,' Richardson Mayor Gary Slagel said. 'They could have moved anywhere, but they didn't. You never want to lose something you already have.'"

The city gets my nomination for today's award for unintended irony. First, for holding a new road's ribbon cutting ceremony in a nature preserve. Second, for the mayor saying, "You never want to lose something you already have."


bill h said...

I hiked at Spring Creek on Labor day, there is now a fenced road by the Cemetery, all the way from Routh Parkway to the creek. the path was already there, but has been widened and extended to the creek, where it appears they are putting in a new sewer line or something. Is that a temporary fence?

Ed Cognoski said...

I was there a week ago and didn't notice the fenced road. I walked from Routh Creek Parkway to the little cemetery. A dirt path but no fences.

bill h said...

You would have noticed it, and It's there now. In fact that dirt path you walked on is fenced off, and that path past the cemetery and all the way to the fence, which I assume is a property line. There is now rock in some of the low places and where the path was narrow, it's now wide enough for a backhoe or bulldozer. Really makes me worry about this place. I really wonder how long this special place will remain undeveloped.

Ed Cognoski said...

I went by again today. The fence is new. I don't know what they're doing in there by the cemeteries. I hope it's respectful.