Friday, June 22, 2007

Secular viewpoint in newsrooms

DallasMorningViews | Rod Dreher:
“Newsrooms are so overwhelmingly liberal and secular that they perceived liberal secularity as normal. ... I wish journalists would start regarding secularity not as the default worldview, but rather as a worldview just like any other. It would make for more accurate, less biased coverage.”
Ed Cognoski responds:

Secularity may be another worldview, but it is not "just like any other." What Mr Dreher fails to appreciate is that the Founding Fathers of America chose secularity for the official viewpoint of the United States government. It's all well and good for individuals to practice Catholicism or Protestant evangelism or even Islam or Mormonism or any of a hundred other variants of religion, but the United States government was ordered to remain neutral.

It shouldn't be surprising that the popular press, intending to reach a broad audience, might adopt a similar attitude. Bias towards a secular viewpoint may be bias still, but a bias towards secularity is the only bias that gives all the religious-based viewpoints equal access to the public square. News media that choose a secular viewpoint ought to be not only aware of that bias, as Mr Dreher suggests, but proud of it.

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