Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Hypocrisy of Hillary Clinton and John Edwards

Dallasblog.com | Tom Pauken:
“Leading Democratic candidates for President, John Edwards and Hillary Clinton, have made the growing divide between the rich and the poor in America a major centerpiece of their respective presidential campaigns. Both of them have tried to position themselves as spokespersons for the beleaguered American middle class.”
Ed Cognoski responds:

Mr Pauken buries the lede. After seven long paragraphs of whining that some rich Democrats happen to be running for President, Mr Pauken finally gets to his point, namely that we ought to consider a border-adjusted tax. By that time, most readers probably bailed out.

P.S. True to form, Mr Pauken wields his heavy censor's hand, deleting the above comment from the Dallas Blog story and blocking further comments from me. I guess when you are the reporter, editor and publisher of your own media outlet, you don't have to listen to journalistic suggestions from any quarter, including from your readers. ;-)

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