Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Fred Thompson Could Replace Cheney as VP | Sam Merten:
“Rumors are running wild about a GOP plan to oust Vice President Dick Cheney and replace him with former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson in an attempt to salvage the end of Bush’s presidency and prep Thompson as Bush’s successor.”
Ed Cognoski responds:

Sounds more like a rumor designed to boost Thompson's chances in the Republican primaries than something that has a snowball's chance in hell of actually happening. The kind of rumor that Dallas Blog would pick up on and give big play to. Like Cheney himself, Dallas Blog doesn't even make a pretense of being fair and balanced. Yesterday, Sam Merten had this to say about another Republican candidate:

"McCain has no shot and should get out of the race. He's a disgrace to the party."
P.S. Tom Pauken is still blocking me from commenting on Dallas Blog itself.

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