Thursday, August 06, 2009

Disinformation About Health Care Reform

A case in point

It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone who has been paying an ounce of attention, but there's a ton of disinformation about health care reform being spread. Trey Garrison, in his own blog, reports on a new White House request that Garrison calls an "Inform on Your Neighbor" policy.

More accurately, the White House asked Americans, not to "inform on their neighbor", but to help dispel "disinformation about health insurance reform out there." The White House doesn't care who your neighbors are. They care about what disinformation is being spread, so they can explain the truth. Trey Garrison's distortion of the White House request is an example. And he's a supposed professional journalist (albeit one with a PayPal donation button on his blog). Imagine the distortions, myths and lies being spread by unscrupulous opponents of health care reform. In his defense, Garrison does close by saying he's confused.


Sherri said...

Tell me about it. You should hear some of the stuff my mother was spouting last night. According to what she's heard (from who knows where) on the Obama plan no-one over the age of 65 would be allowed to get dialysis. And there's no talking her out of it, she's completely convinced. I've stopped trying.

Ed Cognoski said...

Sherri, thanks for the feedback. It's like the birthers. People can believe the darndest things.

"I got a letter the other day from a woman. She said, 'I don't want government-run health care. I don't want socialized medicine. And don't touch my Medicare.'"
-- President Obama

Anonymous said...

Who expects intelligence from Trey Garrison?

Ed Cognoski said...

"Anonymous" at 8/06/2009 7:32 PM, I don't know the answer to that question.