Monday, January 19, 2009

Opening inaugural concert

The Nightly Build...

We Are One. No, We're Not.

Hundreds of thousands turned out Sunday afternoon on the Mall in Washington, DC, for "We Are One: Opening Inaugural Celebration at the Lincoln Memorial." A good time was had by all. Well, not all.

Jeffrey Weiss, in The Dallas Morning News Religion blog, grouses (his word) that the only television coverage of the concert was on HBO. He asks what if Martin Luther King, Jr, sold exclusive television rights to his "I Have a Dream" speech to the highest bidder in 1963.

The analogy is not all that apt. This year's event was entertainment, a celebratory concert. 1963's was the culmination of a protest march on Washington. Obama's speech was covered by free broadcast television. Only the entertainment portion was reserved for HBO. To cover some of the costs of putting on such an extravaganza, the inaugural committee sold exclusive television rights. Even with that, HBO made the concert available to cable providers for free presentation to their cable customers. HBO also made the concert freely available on its Web site,, for anyone with an Internet connection. Should Obama have paid for his inaugural festivities by holding some private $1000 a plate dinners for well-heeled donors? Or worse, held the concert indoors where only those well-heeled donors would have heard U2, Springsteen and the rest of the entertainers? I don't think so. The inaugural committee balanced the demands of paying for the concert against the desire to open it up to as many people as possible. Jeffrey Weiss' grouse is only that, a grouse.

Another controversy erupted over the invocation prayer by the Rev. Gene Robinson, the openly gay bishop of the Episcopal Church. First, the prayer was offered before the start of the show televised by HBO. Second, there was a sound system malfunction that prevented even the people on site from hearing the bishop's prayer, which included this passage:

"Bless us with anger - at discrimination, at home and abroad, against refugees and immigrants, women, people of color, gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people."
The blogosphere lit up with conspiracy theories. Obama invited Robinson, but made sure no one would hear him. Obama deliberately suppressed the prayer. Reader "Mark" is certain it's a snub:
"I am horrified that once again 'WE' are to stay in the background, ignored and unrecognized. I am canceling my HBO service. I EXPECT AN APOLOGY from Barack Obama to all Gay people. This is not an acceptable CONSOLATION PRIZE."
Even before Obama takes office as the President most openly supportive of the LGBT cause in history, the LGBT community has decided that Obama has rejected their cause. They are now rejecting him. Politically, this is stupid, except that Obama is that rare politician who will do the right thing whether a constituency is for him or against him. He will continue to welcome and listen to all voices and promote equality and justice, whether the LGBT community appreciates it or not. The LGBT community would do well to take to heart Bishop Robinson's words:
"And God, we give you thanks for your child Barack, as he assumes the office of President of the United States. Give him wisdom beyond his years, and inspire him with Lincoln’s reconciling leadership style, President Kennedy’s ability to enlist our best efforts, and Dr. King’s dream of a nation for ALL the people. Give him a quiet heart, for our Ship of State needs a steady, calm captain in these times."

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