Thursday, January 08, 2009

Movie list

The Nightly Build...

What I've Been Watching

Here is a list of some of 2008 movie releases I've seen, in order of recommendation.

  1. In Bruges
    An effing great gangster movie with a pair of effing great gangsters
  2. The Visitor
    Worlds collide when mid-life crisis meets struggling immigrants
  3. Iron Man
    An action movie that doesn't take itself too seriously
  4. The Dark Knight
    The best Batman movie ever, which isn't saying much
  5. Mamma Mia!
    Not bad at all for an ABBA movie, even if the stars can't sing
  6. WALL-E
    Great first half, but unoriginal message movie once in space
  7. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
    More of the same formula, but the formula is good fun
  8. Encounters at the End of the World
    Antarctica, as much industrial trailer park as pristine wilderness
  9. The Bucket List
    Nicholson and Freeman don't break a sweat in this feel-good movie
  10. Forgetting Sarah Marshall

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