Monday, February 04, 2008

DMN Religion page; McCain and change

The Nightly Build...

Is DMN Anti-Religion?

Tom Pauken accuses The Dallas Morning News of being anti-religion. Why? Because of a single story on its Saturday religion page. The story, titled "Lecture brings women message of reclaiming sexuality" is by Mary Jacobs (not "one Sandy Jacobs", as reported by Pauken). Pauken dismisses it all as "superficial nonsense", like an old man uncomfortable with women talking about sex. Pauken says things were better in the old days, when The Dallas Morning News had a religion section, not just a page. Ironically, Mary Jacobs was a longtime freelance writer for that Religion section. Pauken asks The Dallas Morning News, "Why don't you change the name for your religion page to 'New Age Spirituality?'" When he's not chasing kids off his front lawn, Pauken publishes his comments in Dallas Blog, soon to be renamed the "Tired Old Wingnut Rants and Random Tabloid Trash Blog."

McCain, the No Change Candidate

William McKenzie, the moderate Republican (an oxymoron, that) member of the The Dallas Morning News editorial board, tries to make the case for John McCain as the real candidate of change in the 2008 election. Yes, the 72 year old McCain. The self-described foot soldier for Reagan. The candidate most identified with the surge and the candidate who promises a hundred year presence in Iraq. The candidate who is running away from prior positions on illegal immigration and tax cuts in order to appeal to the Republican establishment?

John McCain is likely to prevail over the breakup of the grand Republican coalition, but that's hardly the kind of change he'll want to be known for. He's unlikely to forge a new coalition, so for now, he's busy trying to play down change and play up how much he isn't out to change the Republican Party. Don't expect McCain to take McKenzie's hint to run as an agent of change, no matter how much the other candidates believe that change is what the voters want this year.

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