Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Cell phones bans; Obama mania

The Nightly Build...

Righteous Indignation Over Cell Phone Bans

So let's see. What's worth talking about today? Perhaps Barack Obama's and John McCain's wins in the Chesapeake primaries? Perhaps Congress debating a surveillance bill that gives phone companies retroactive protection from lawsuits alleging past illegal acts of spying on US citizens without court permission? The television writers' strike? The baseball steroids scandal?

Lots to choose from. How does Mark Davis fill his valuable real estate in The Dallas Morning News? With a whine about his inability to use his cell phone while driving in school zones in Highland Park. It's all about him. He says the kiddies will do just fine. Crossing the street is just one of life's risks. Asking Mark Davis to put away his cell phone while driving in the name of safety would be like requiring kids to wear "full body armor." He calls both "ridiculous overreach." He doesn't object to crossing guards, reduced speed limits and heightened speeding enforcement in school zones, although I'd bet if he were around when those practices were introduced, he'd have whined about the inconvenience then, too. And he probably objects to laws requiring kids to wear helmets when riding bicycles.

There are lots more children growing up to adulthood because of the safety regulations introduced over the last half century or so. That Mark Davis might feel that his unalienable right to talk on a cell phone anywhere and any time might have been infringed in doing so is not high on my list of priorities.

Now, how about we talk about the phone companies being given immunity for spying on what Mark Davis says on his cell phone? That topic would be well worth the newsprint Mark Davis wasted today.

Obama Mania

Everyone except Mark Davis is talking about the big Obama election victories last night, so I might as well join the bandwagon.

Obama mania is being criticized for having cult-like aspects. Silly you. Obama supporters know he isn't God. They know he isn't Jesus. It's more like he's a saint... or an angel.

If you think Obama mania is huge now, just wait until the news spreads about that woman in Mexia who found a taco shell with Obama's image burned into it.

But don't count Clinton out yet. As someone else said, she isn't dead until her legs curl up under the house and the ruby slippers pop off.

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