Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The end of the Rove era in Republican politics

Dallasblog.com | Tom Pauken:
“A few weeks after the Republicans were routed in the November 2006 elections, a longtime Bush Republican from Texas told me that it was time for Karl Rove to go.”
Ed Cognoski responds:

What a complete waste of a golden opportunity. Karl Rove and George Bush made their move to take over Texas government in the early 1990s, when Tom Pauken was chairman of the Republican Party of Texas. By the time Bush and Rove decamped Austin for Washington, D.C., and the White House, Tom Pauken was a footnote to history. Today, he's publishing and writing for an amateurish rightwing rag called Dallas Blog. And missing a golden opportunity to provide a unique personal insight into the early rise to power of Rove and Bush in Texas.

Mr Pauken tells us that Rove was the "consummate political pragmatist [who] used the lessons he learned from Machiavelli’s The Prince to reach the pinnacle of political success" but he fails to give us any first-hand accounts. Karl Rove climbed to power over Tom Pauken's back. It would serve the public good for Tom Pauken to provide a first person account of that.

P.S. Due to Tom Pauken's censorship, this comment cannot be posted on Dallas Blog itself.

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