Monday, August 13, 2007

Cooler Heads on Global Warming | Caroline Walker:
“Newsweek’s Robert Samuelson weighs in this week on his own publication’s sensational hatchet job against global warming 'deniers.' ”
Ed Cognoski responds:

What an odd, jumbled way of killing the messenger, of blaming the failure of the world to address global warming on those who first sounded the alarm, the environmentalists.

Caroline Walker says that "Samuelson is not attempting to deny that global warming is taking place, but seeking simply to advocate a more rational approach to the problem." Samuelson argues that we ought to reduce American dependence on foreign oil. Denmark's Bjorn Lomberg argues that we ought to be investing in "research and development of non-carbon emitting energies like solar, wind, carbon-capture, energy efficiency."

Would Samuelson, Lomberg, and Caroline Walker have us believe that environmentalists haven't been calling for exactly these measures for decades? This is the way to reduce our carbon dioxide emissions, the only way to arrest global warming. Because of long-term foot-dragging by the global warming deniers, aided and abetted by misleading articles like this one by Caroline Walker, the chances of us succeeding grow slimmer each passing decade.

It looks like now the battleground is shifting from denying that we are in a fight against global warming to arguing over who lost the battle. This article may mark the opening salvo by the right in trying to pin the blame on the environmentalists. It'll be a nice trick if they can pull that one off.

P.S. Censorship on Dallas Blog prevents me from posting this comment on that blog directly.

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