Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Danger of Playing God | Tom Pauken:
“Abortion remains one of the most controversial issues in our society. Pro-life supporters like myself and others believe it is wrong to take the life of the innocent unborn. Who are we to play God and decide for ourselves which of the unborn babies are to live or die? The London Times reported recently about a doctor in Milan who played God with the lives of unborn twins in a story that ended in a double tragedy.”
Ed Cognoski responds:

Yes, this story is a tragedy. But Tom Pauken sees it more as an opportunity for demagogy. You almost see his wicked glee as he opens his newspaper and recognizes a chance to exploit a family's suffering for his political gain. Tom Pauken delights in demonizing the grieving parents. Playing God. Baby killers. Nazis.

George B. Chamberlain lets Tom Pauken have it with both barrels in his response on Dallas Blog. I reproduce it here because I suspect it will disappear under Tom Pauken's iron hand of censorship in that forum.

Mr. Chairman,

The %!*## person Texas Republicans helped put in the whitehouse is doing exactly that. He is playing god. He is about to attack another country, his administration is falling apart and you decided to address the abortion issue one more time. Texas Republicans seem incapable of setting priorities. You are pandering sir.

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