Sunday, November 12, 2006


Dallas Blog | Sandy McDonough:
“Complacent Republicans who woke up stunned Wednesday morning shocked by the election results need to look no further than the nearest mirror to find the scapegoat. Had just one or two percent of those who sat this one out gone to the polls then the national and local elections would have been decidedly different.”
If there's one explanation for the thumpin' Republicans took at the polls this fall that's most assuredly wrong, it's Republican complacency. Mr McDonough is a regular reader of Dallas Blog. For weeks, the comments section there has been filled with angry Republican voices. That's anger, not complacency.

Mr McDonough consoles himself with the trite truism that all losers can claim: if only more people who think like I do had voted, we'd have won. Blame the voters, not any deficiencies in the party or its record.

Until Mr McDonough shows even a little understanding of why Republicans stayed home, why independents broke more for Democrats than Republicans this election, why Republicans were more likely to split their ticket this election than last, Mr McDonough and the Republicans are doomed to lose a lot more elections. Iraq played a role. Corruption played a role. Incompetence played a role. Hypocrisy and taking the base for granted played a role. The voters themselves deserve the least of the blame.

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