Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Buying campaign the latest salvo in Farmers Branch

The Dallas Blog reports that the Azteca Business Development Group is passing out stickers for Farmers Branch businesses to display indicating their opposition to recent anti-immigration measures adopted by that city. The reactions to this news were swift, predictable and unproductive.

Trey Garrison expresses approval of the Azteca tactic because it's a free market approach rather than a legislative or judicial remedy. Apparently, the divisiveness of the original ordinances and divisiveness of the countermeasure don't bother him. In his view, a city divided against itself is okay, as long as the combatants observe free market principles in building those walls and driving those wedges. You can probably guess that Mr Garrison himself doesn't have to live there.

J.T., who also doesn't live there but visits often, launches her own boycott, pledging not to dine ever again in any restaurant that displays the sticker. I imagine Mr Garrison's approval growing larger.

Buck approvingly cites Angel Reyes, who predicts an inevitability to the demographic change being experienced by Farmers Branch and advises residents not to fight it but to embrace it. This presupposes that the change is good or at least neutral. For residents who believe demographic change is evil, Mr Reyes probably does not have much to offer.

Buford is one such poster. He's got one word to say about demographic change: "Lebensraum". An audacious analogy, equating Mexican dishwashers and bean pickers with the German Wehrmacht.

Mr Garrison then accuses Mr Reyes of being racist. In four short comments, the thread has deteriorated into accusations of being Nazis and racists.

Happy Thanksgiving, Farmers Branch. When it comes time to break the wishbone, you'll know what to wish for. Good luck.

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