Sunday, February 12, 2006

VP Cheney accidentally shoots man on South Texas hunting trip
“Vice President Dick Cheney's spokeswoman says Mr. Cheney accidentally shot and injured a man during a weekend quail hunting trip in South Texas.”
Ed Cognoski responds:

I wish the accident victim a swift and full recovery...

OK, has a decent interval passed yet???????

Guns don't shoot people. Cheney shoots people.

The new fashion color in Washington is suddenly blaze orange.

It's not Cheney's fault. The victim was too close to the Mexican border without displaying proof of citizenship.

Cheney should get the Presidential Medal of Freedom. The victim coulda been packin' WMD. He coulda. He coulda.

At last, Cheney can now defend sending young Americans into harm's way by saying he, too, knows what it's like to shoot a man.

Don't worry. The quail hunter insurgency is in its last throes.

and last, but not least...

Dickie, you're doin' a heck of a job.

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