Friday, February 10, 2006

Cities revive east-west rail push

[Ed says Yea] Dallas Morning News:
“Over the last year, Addison and Richardson – another city along the proposed route – have spent more than $330,000 to mount a public relations campaign to sell the benefits of light-rail service along the Cotton Belt line. That effort kicked into high gear last month, when the ‘Cotton Belt – Smart for DART’ campaign was announced at the University of Texas at Dallas in Richardson. The timing of the campaign is critical: DART is expected to finalize its 2030 system plan this year. Addison and Richardson officials want to ensure that the Cotton Belt line is included the long-range goals.”
Ed Cognoski responds:

To me, this is a no-brainer. Richardson already is home to UT-Dallas and Telecom Corridor. It sits astride the intersection of US 75 and the Bush Tollway. DART already runs a north-south rail line from downtown Dallas to Plano through the heart of Richardson. The addition of an east-west DART line from Richardson through Addison and other northern suburbs to D/FW Airport would complete the network of roads and rail needed to boost economic development in this, the oldest ring of suburbs north of Dallas.

Twenty years ago, I might have agreed that a line along LBJ Freeway made more sense. But the center of gravity of north Dallas continues to migrate northward. Already today, the Cotton Belt line would best serve the needs of businesses and communities between LBJ and the Bush Tollway. By 2030, we'll look back and wonder what the debate was about. Like I said, it's a no-brainer.

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