Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Park designers seek input on Woodall Rodgers Park | Trey Garrison:
“One of Dallas’ most ambitious and innovative urban revitalization plans ever is quickly becoming a reality - the remaking of Woodall Rodgers into a covered green space. ”
Ed Cognoski responds:

Freeways kill city life. They hem downtowns in. Or slice through them. Death starts on their edges and expands for blocks. Tunneling is too expensive. Can capping an existing trench be done affordably? Projections are for a $60M price tag, of which only $20M is from city taxpayers.

This could be a huge boost to development on both sides of Woodall Rodgers, tying the Arts District to Uptown, enhancing both immeasurably. This could be more significant to a downtown Dallas renewal than the much more publicized bridges across the Trinity, which at heart are just more freeways, freeways that kill cities.

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