Monday, December 15, 2008

Nigerian violence

The Nightly Build...

Clashes Between Muslims and Christians

Nigeria's population is about equally divided between Muslim and Christian, with Muslims dominating the north and Christians the south. The city of Jos is located in between and recently saw violent clashes between the two communities that left 500 dead. Time magazine's coverage of the violence reports:

"In every household, church and mosque, people blamed followers of the other religion with planning and executing the attacks with a vitriol that does not bode well for the future of the city or the region."
Tom McGregor, in Dallas Blog, confirms the vicious violence on both sides, saying that 400 of the dead were Muslim and 100 were Christian. Yet how does Dallas Blog headline this tragedy? "Nigerian Muslims Destroy Christian Churches."

I guess a conservative Christian blog in Dallas, Texas, is not going to have much influence on what happens in Nigeria. Thank God, because the bias and slant of the coverage would only exacerbate the religious divisions behind the tragedies. Dallas Blog's influence on attitudes of conservative Christians in Texas is another matter.

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