Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Atheist lawsuit

The Nightly Build...

God Save Kentucky

Bruce Tomaso, in The Dallas Morning News Religion blog, reports on a lawsuit in Kentucky brought by atheists who object to language in a state statute that stresses "dependence on Almighty God as being vital to the security of the Commonwealth." Tomaso's take?

"Personally, I'm not sure which is sillier: Passing a law that calls on God to do his part to help with homeland security; or taking up the court's time with a suit that claims the law has nonbelievers tossing and turning all night."
My own take? They are both silly. Passing the law trivializes God. Filing the lawsuit maybe stops the slippery slope from carrying us into more consequential territory of state established religion, but slippery slope arguments are hard to defend.

In any case, I figure if the silly people on both sides of this argument are consumed arguing with each other, they'll leave the rest of us alone. And that's a good thing. So, here's to years of litigation over this silly issue.

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