Friday, July 18, 2008

Network of Community Ministries; PUMA PAC

The Nightly Build...

Richardson Charity Ungrateful?

Blake Spencer, co-pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Richardson, stirred up a hornet's nest recently by going public with complaints that the City of Richardson is not supporting the Network of Community Ministries. In letters to the press, Spencer accused the city not only of non-support, but of not even responding to his letters, except for city councilman and former mayor Gary Slagel. Mayor Steve Mitchell has since told Spencer that he didn't receive his letters. It seems that where a phone call to or a visit to City Hall might have cleared up the miscommunication, Spencer chose to raise a stink in public.

As it turns out, the City of Richardson directly supports Network's fundraising efforts in various ways and indirectly supports Network's charitable work through through coordinated city programs like National Night Out and the Senior Center. Spencer calls such help "minimal at best." The Network's Web site says the organization "accepts no government funds," so it's not clear exactly what other support Blake Spencer is asking for. He speaks vaguely of appointing a task force.

Now that Spencer has stirred the hornet's nest, he is belatedly concerned about the hornets. In his latest letter to the press, he says:

"It has come to my attention that my letters to the city council of Richardson and articles concerning the Network and the support the City of Richardson offers are being used as a pawn in a political tug of war between local political advocacy groups. I want to make absoulutely clear that I am independent! I do not belong to any local political advocacy group!"

Spencer does not name the players in this tug of war. Perhaps related to this, Nathan Morgan, a persistent Richardson gadfly, published his own letter in support of Spencer. In it, he suggests that unnamed new Network administration officials no longer allow volunteers to engage in activities outside its charitable purpose, so unnamed former volunteers are trying to cause the demise of Network. Morgan himself gives no names, dates, or events to support his conspiracy theories. Morgan's writing is often so convoluted that it's difficult even to understand his English, to say nothing of trying to understand what's written between the lines.

Charitably, I conclude that Blake Spencer is in over his head. He goes public without the facts. He inserts himself into city politics he doesn't understand and can't control. He winds up with allies who can only harm his goal of increasing support for Network's charitable work. One can only hope that Spencer (and Morgan) exit the public stage quietly and go back to helping the poor. Spencer says, "It has never been my intent to 'embarrass' the city of Richardson." Too late for that, I'm afraid.

Party Unity My Ass

Wayne Slater, in The Dallas Morning News Trailblazers blog, reports on Howard Dean's bus trip to register Democratic voters, beginning in President Bush's hometown, Crawford, Texas. Slater notes that the Dean was greeted by an angry Hillary Clinton supporter who is a member of a pro-Clinton group called PUMA - Party Unity My Ass. The protester demanded that Clinton be nominated at the Denver convention. "We want a nominee who's elected, not selected," she said.

Comments to Slater's blog item supporting PUMA quickly collected. "You go, girl!!" "Wow, that girl (re: elected not selected) is right the f on." "Wonderful! Go PUMA!" And this:

"Howard Dean needs to get back on his bus and go back to DC. He's will be facing alot of Pumas on this trip. We don't want him in Georgia, and Florida. We have already registered our folks and they won't be voting for Obama."

So, who or what is PUMA PAC? It turns out to be a political action committee founded by Darragh Murphy. She claims to be a lifelong Democrat, but, as reported by Tommy Christopher on AOL's The Political Machine, Murphy voted in the 2000 Republican primary and donated money to John McCain. She claims to oppose John McCain's positions in this year's election, but admits to not being bothered by the possibility that her opposition to Barack Obama might lead to John McCain's election.

It's enough to make me wonder. Are Republicans the organizing force behind these unreconstructed Democrats? Are there any Republicans out there actively organizing opposition to John McCain? Or do the Democrats have a monopoly on stupidity?


Anonymous said...

Too busy trashing the messenger to get the message?

Predictably, this is another example in the continuous activity of talking heads for the regime who feel called upon to lash out at those who rightly object to political abuse of charitable organizations.

The token support chosen by the city does little to engage the understanding of need at the Network. It's pitiful when people try to say they support Network when they've never paid it a visit.

One would think that the two city cronies on the Network board would be properly representing the needs of Network to the kids at City Hall. Instead, the city reps are on the board to keep tabs on Network activities and exploit its resources.

This whole skirmish resulted from banished volunteers shooting off their mouths about how they would bankrupt the Network within a year. Add that to the City Manager's comment that it would be illegal for the city to support the Network. The city became too comfortable with sending out its propaganda through the Senior Network and got called on it. This is the thanks Network gets. Those are examples of objectionable behavior by people of Cognoski's ilk.

Ski appears to be echoing the rhetoric we've been listening to for years.

Interesting to note that, if there wasn't a problem, there wouldn't be so much effort at damage control.

Scout said...

Thanks for the feedback, but there's nothing concrete to act on. No names, no dates, no events. It's clear you're upset, but I don't have any facts to decide whether you have any basis for your protest. If that's "trashing the messenger," so be it.

Anonymous said...

You need to expand your circle a little and get better connected with the community before you make such foolish satatements.

It looks like you've read the accounts but have done no investigation before shooting off your mouth with a big, fat, party-line denial.

Denying it doesn't make it go away.

See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil...well, two out of three ain't bad.

Ed Cognoski said...

I haven't denied anything. I merely pointed out that your accusations lack any facts -- names, dates, events -- that a reader would need to decide whether there's justification for your anger.

Anonymous said...

...and, what I'm saying is that if your were connected and paying attention, you'd know them. All it takes is a little effort and civic activity to see for yourself. Live a little. Expand your horizons. There's much more to what's going on than can be taught in a classroom.

You call people names that have been previously used to describe others. We know you can read.

Stunned disbelief is a normal reaction to hearing of such things that are secret. Don't rely on others to be your messenger.

Put a little more effort into your own education. Take the initiative to learn for yourself. It's not the world's responsibility to take care of you. Use your head, man.

Anonymous said...

While you're at it...take a good, close look at those assertions about city support.

As much as image-conscious politicians and their close-knit group of public servants would like for you to believe, there's a whole lot of wishful blue sky in their list claiming Network support. If you challenged that like you challenged me you would be closer to understanding what this is all about.

It's not that the Network isn't greatful. And, they're not looking a gift horse in the mouth.

However, giving a thoughtful and meaningful gift involves knowing the recipient well enough to fulfill their dreams/needs.

A space at the party spot goes a long way toward promotion and public exposure, but what the Network really requires to do the job is hard, cold financial support, contributions of basic needs like food, toiletries and clothing, and lots of volunteer spirit. Those items define support for this charity. It's more than a permit to stand on the street corner with a tin cup in hand and a popular person telling their friends.

I am appalled at how greedy-guts throw a bone now and again to charity and say "you should be happy". Try giving until it hurts for a change...and be greatful you have it to give.

Scout said...

By saying I should do my own research, you are admitting that you provided insufficient facts to support your accusations. That was essentially the point of my original blog item. You just confirmed it.

A word of advice: tone down your anger and offer a little more in the way of facts. You might be surprised by the better reception you get.

Anonymous said...

Disappointment, although it can be disconcerting, does not equal anger. Sounds like someone has had a little too much therapy and is attributing experiences.

What's disappointing is that people, without reservation, swallow, hook, line and sinker, the propaganda distributed by the hired help.

Then, have the audacity to challenge the authenticity of reports to the contrary.

People have become complacent about public oversight of government and satisfied with whatever they can get for free.

Like I said earlier, spend a little effort in doing an investigation of your own. It is right that you should question ALL parties in such circumstances. That's part of doing your own homework. When you form an opinion based on the facts, then it's worth something. Be careful to validate your assumptions before you incorporate them in your conclusion.

So, when you've done your homework, I think you'll see things differently, and we can speak intelligently about all this.

I understand you do not know Nathan Morgan. That tells me a great deal about you and this posting of yours. That gadfly comment gave you away.

Ed Cognoski said...

By now, you should know I don't accept hook, line, and sinker claims I read on the Internet. Unfortunately for you, that includes your fact-free rants against the City Council of Richardson. My earlier advice still stands.