Friday, July 25, 2008

Chet Edwards; Obama the Messiah; Humanae Vitae

The Nightly Build...

Chet Who?

Michael Landauer, in The Dallas Morning News Opinion blog, is pitching Texas Democratic Congressman Chet Edwards for vice president. He says he's a moderate, he's for health care reform, he's the right age, he's dependable and he's no elitist.

Sure, put an unknown on the ticket. Then, when you're going around the country introducing Barack Obama to the voters, you can introduce Chet Edwards, too. Sell him as a compassionate conservative Texan... Democrat. That'll make all the difference when you are promising change.

Obama the Messiah

Rod Dreher, in The Dallas Morning News, says, "I will not vote for Obama simply because I don't agree with his political stances." How does he title the blog entry in which he declares this? "Obama Christ, Superstar."

Instead of dissecting Obama's stances, Dreher repeatedly returns to the theme of Obama as messiah. Ad hominem attacks are the Republicans' last remaining weapon this election, it would seem.

40th Anniversary of Humanae Vitae

In a blog entry titled, "After 40 years, birth control decree still divides American Catholics", Bruce Tomaso in The Dallas Morning News Religion blog notes the 40th anniversary of Pope Paul VI's "Humanae Vitae," his encyclical declaring that most forms of birth control were a violation of Church law.

Oh, I don't know. The birth control decree might divide American Catholics, but not as much as birth control itself brings them together...literally.

Hey, it's Friday!

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