Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Pennsylvania Primary Results

The Nightly Build...

Closing the Deal

Sharon Grigsby asks on The Dallas Morning News Opinion blog, "Obama, will you ever close the deal?"

Yes. It's not a matter of if. It's a matter of when. Obama is running out the clock. He's ahead on points and can afford to lose some of these later rounds and still win the match. If Obama goes for the knockout, he risks opening himself to a knockout punch by Clinton or alienating her supporters so much that he risks losing his next match against McCain. So, he's playing defense. It's just a matter of time.

Bill McKenzie says, "I think they both have strong arguments to make to super delegates."

Sure, Hillary has strong arguments to make to super-delegates. But Obama's argument is stronger. He has more pledged delegates, more total delegates, more popular vote, more states, and at least as strong poll numbers when matched up to McCain. It's only a matter of time before Obama runs out the clock and accumulates enough delegates to clinch the nomination. That Clinton can force him to go through all 50 states is a strong testament to her strength. But Obama is stronger and has a stranglehold on the nomination. It's his to lose, not hers to win.

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