Monday, April 07, 2008

Obama and sex education

The Nightly Build...

Every Baby a Wanted Baby

Rodger Jones, on the The Dallas Morning News Opinion blog, says he is "chilled to the bone" by Barack Obama's "pro-abortion message that says convenience trumps the sanctity of life."

What did Obama say that so offends Jones? Speaking in favor of comprehensive sex education, Obama said he wants to teach his own daughters values and morals, but if they make a mistake, he doesn't want them punished with a baby or a sexually-transmitted disease at the age of sixteen.

This offends Jones. Is Jones against comprehensive sex education? Is Jones in favor of more unwanted babies or STDs? Does Jones mistakenly think that all babies are wanted babies, that babies are never neglected, mistreated, or abandoned because their mothers are not able or willing to care for them?

Jones, in a later comment, says, "The inconvenient baby born to your neighbor has every right to live." Nothing Barack Obama said contradicts that sentiment. Jones is blatantly misrepresenting Obama's position. Whether it's through ignorance or maliciousness, I can't tell.

This nation should be doing more to make every baby a wanted baby. It should be offering comprehensive sex education to teenagers. It should be making contraceptives available to sexually active youth. It should be providing alternative education, job training and child care to teenage parents. It should be doing everything possible to make sure every child born is a wanted child, that every child born gets proper care and love, and that sexually transmitted disease is prevented if possible and treated if necessary.

Barack Obama has it right. His advocacy for comprehensive sex education is America's best strategy for reducing the number of unwanted pregnancies and the abortions that sometimes follow. I'm saddened and revolted that Rodger Jones or anyone on The Dallas Morning News editorial board is "saddened and revolted" by this position.

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