Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Clinton and The Fellowship

The Nightly Build...

Triangulating Faith

For fifteen years, Hillary Clinton has been part of a Capitol Hill prayer group called The Fellowship. Apparently, members tend to practice rightwing politics. Now, because of Clinton's criticism of Barack Obama's decision to remain a member of his church, once led by the controversial Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Clinton's own membership in a controversial religious group is getting some press. Not much, but maybe enough to cause Clinton to back off her own criticism of Obama.

The story has appeared in The Atlantic as long ago as 2006 and in Mother Jones and Harpers since then. Now, Jeffrey Weiss brings the story to The Dallas Morning News Religion blog.

Hillary Clinton's long term involvement in this right-wing fundamentalist religious group is a private matter. I'm more interested in Iraq, terrorism, the economy, health care, education, the national debt, our Constitutional liberties, etc., than I am in her religious practices... as long as she upholds the Constitutional separation of church and state, that is.

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