Sunday, March 05, 2006

Turning textbooks into the Good Book

[Ed says Yea] Dallas Morning News | Steve Blow:
“Did you know that liberal elected officials don't understand biblical principles? Or that all liberals worship man rather than God? I didn't. But it must be true. It's being taught in schools. It's kind of funny. A front-page news story the other day said conservatives want more control over textbooks in Texas public schools. Well, it looks like liberals – those godless rascals – better pay attention to what's being taught in some private schools.”
Ed Cognoski responds:

Pay attention, yes. Censor, no. Liberals favor a political philosophy of progress and reform, the protection of civil liberties, and tolerance of the ideas and behavior of others. Liberals defend the rights of even Accelerated Christian Education, textbook publisher for private schools and home schools, who publish those glaringly biased -- and wrong -- definitions of liberalism cited by Mr Blow.

But everyone should be informed of what is being taught in these schools. Everyone should know how their tax dollars would be spent if a school voucher system is ever pushed through the Texas legislature. Voucher schools are not accountable to the public, with no public accounting of test scores or academic achievement. Diverting public dollars to private and home schools, with no accountability, will mean public money being used to print things like, "The theory of evolution has no real scientific basis." Like, Jimmy Carter is someone who "claimed to be a Believer." Like, voters for Bill Clinton think "a healthy economy is more important than the moral fiber of their country."

So, let the private schools indoctrinate their children with the political beliefs they want, the anti-science their faith tells them is true, the history as they imagine the way it was. Just don't let them take public dollars to do it.

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