“By the request of Americans for Safe Access (ASA), the nation's largest medical marijuana advocacy organization, Congressman Maurice Hinchey (D- N.Y.) this week led a group of three other House lawmakers in calling for a Government Accountability Office (GAO) investigation of how much money the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) spent each year over the past decade to enforce federal medical marijuana laws. Joining Hinchey in the GAO request are Congressmen Ron Paul (R-TX), Sam Farr (D-Calif.), and Barney Frank (D-Mass.). ‘We want to find out what the Department of Justice spends annually to prosecute medical marijuana patients so we can tell the American people exactly how much of their taxes is being wasted and diverted away from critical law enforcement activities, including homeland security activities,’ Hinchey was quoted saying in a press release from his office.”
Ed Cognoski responds:
With the federal budget deficit projecting a streak of red ink as far into the future as the eye can see, if ever there were a program that could be cut, this is it. Ending the persecution (er... prosecution) of patients seeking pain relief would not only save money, no matter how inconsequential in relation to the size of the debt, it would also be the right thing to do. Win-win. Kudos to Rep. Hinchley, Paul, Farr and Frank.
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