Sunday, December 18, 2005
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Protest, don't create heroes
Ms. Floyd's inability to sympathize with criminals sentenced to death is understandable. She has never had a drug problem, never shoplifted or burglarized homes, never robbed anyone or served time in jail. She has never been in need of redemption. So, Stanley Tookie Williams' life holds nothing for her to relate to. But for kids in trouble, Stanley Tookie Williams' life might look very familiar. Their current lives might mirror his own time on the streets and trouble with the law. His redemption holds out promise that they, too, can redeem their lives, hopefully before they end up on death row like Tookie Williams. People are entitled to question whether, in fact, Tookie Williams' redemption was genuine. But people should not question whether, in principle, a sinner's redemption can be a "force for good" and an "example of hope." It can.
The right outcome on torture ban
So, the surprise here is not that the President flip-flopped and caved in to Senator McCain's demand for a ban. The surprise here has to be that he tried to assert a right to torture in the first place. This Administration is usually very attuned to wedge issues and how to exploit them for political advantage. But only the most loyal red-state fanatics will stand behind the President waving a right-to-torture banner. So, why champion torture?
The only plausible explanation is that this President has put one aim above all others: preventing terrorist attacks on the United States. As reported elsewhere in the DMN ("Domestic spying adds to debate over Bush power"), Bradford Berenson, associate counsel to President Bush from 2001 to 2003, says, "After 9-11, the president felt it was incumbent on him to use every ounce of authority available to him to protect the American people". Everything else is subservient to that aim. International norms regarding humane treatment of captured enemy combatants, civil liberties for ourselves at home, all must be sacrificed for security. It's a simplistic notion. It's a notion that plays well with his simplistic-minded base, who ridiculed his 2004 election opponent Senator John Kerry (D-MA) for his nuanced positions on the issues facing America. But it's a notion that threatens to destroy the prize it's trying to preserve. The wisdom of Benjamin Franklin is still as true today as it was over 200 years ago: "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
Friday, December 16, 2005
Politicians will be back - to get our votes
Latinos have no single issue like the civil rights issue that rallied African-American voters a generation ago. Latinos face problems on many fronts -- health care, education, welfare, culture. In many cases, the problems aren't unique to the Latino community. So, wedge issue politics is effective at splitting the Latino community, just like it's effective at splitting white Americans.
Immigration and birthrates are working in Latinos' favor. Latinos are already a political force in California and becoming one in Texas. Governor Bush recognized that and courted the Latino vote in Texas. President Bush strayed from that line to pander to the far right of the national Republican party in winning two national elections. So far, nationally, Republican success has been achieved not by choosing wedge issues that capture a majority of the Latino vote, but wedge issues that draw enough Latino voters to keep a Democrat from being elected.
But President Bush's recent promotion of a guest worker program indicates that he still knows the demographic trends are working against the Republican party interests in the long run unless the party changes. It will be fascinating to watch the choice of wedge issues by the 2008 Republican candidate for President. Will the Latino vote finally emerge as the biggest slice of the wedge?
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Primary fix-it kit
America could solve both so-called problems with the primaries (earlier and earlier primaries and unfair influence by early primaries) by holding a single national primary later in the season. I give this suggestion zero chance of being adopted. I'm not sure even I am in favor of it.
Yet, it is logically inconsistent that America accepts a one-day national election to choose our President but insists on staggering the primaries state by state over several months. If staggered primaries are good for choosing party candidates, shouldn't staggered national elections be good for choosing our President? Conversely, if it's fine to pick a President in a one-day, winner-take-all election, why isn't it also good to pick a party candidate the same way? I am in favor of consistency.
Upfront on Iraq: President's message comes through
This war has been a debacle. It was started under false pretenses. It was executed incompetently. It bankrupted our nation. It distracted us from our war on al Qaeda. Its goal has morphed into impossible dream -- peace and democracy in an area of the world that has been at war for generations. Americans want our troops home.
President Bush defines victory as democracy, internal security, and elimination of the threat to the international community. Nowhere in this formula are civil liberties a necessary part of victory. No freedom of speech or religion. No rights for women or ethnic minorities. Our aims are small compared to the liberties Americans enjoy at home, but even so, still incredibly difficult to achieve in fact, not just in speeches.
The best America can hope for is that eventually a strong Islamic Republic is established, on the order of Iran. Not much liberty there, but it is democratic and it is strong enough to secure the peace. The sooner some kind of power emerges in Iraq that can hold the country together, with at least a charade of democracy, the sooner President Bush can begin the withdrawal of troops. Reason enough to celebrate little victories like today's national elections.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
GOP counterattack
Others have already debunked the GOP ad in embarrassing detail.
Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA)'s call for a drawdown of troops after the current election pretty much echoes word for word what Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld himself has said in public. But it sounds so much more defeatist if you wave a white flag in front of the Senator.
Senator Kerry's sound bite was taken out of a context in which he was urging Iraqis to conduct the house-to-house raids that American soldiers are undertaking, and risking their lives over, today. Again, this echoes the Administration's own stated goals, goals they have been unable to achieve because of incompetent prosecution of this war from the beginning. Distract attention by making Democratic calls for doing it right seem slanderous.
The closing scene, where the camera pulls back to reveal a US soldier watching the ad play on a big screen television, has been revealed to be a doctored shot. In truth, the soldier was watching a cartoon, How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Perhaps this whole fraudulent video ad should be titled How the GOP Stole the Truth. With a minor credit to Mark Davis for his supporting role.
Principle and Consistency: Why do Lieberman's views anger Democrats?
First, the DMN creates a straw man of a Democratic Party position on the war. It's true the war has divided the party. The lack of a unified party position and party discipline in presenting that position is a valid cause for criticism. But the DMN creates a composite of statements made by various Democrats with differing views on the war and presents that as somehow the Democratic position on the war: jumbled, contradictory, confused. It's simply a false representation. It's dishonest.
Second, Senator Lieberman (D-CT) is irrelevant. The Republicans ridiculed him off the national stage in 2000 (remember Sore-Loserman?). The Democrats ignored him in their 2004 Presidential primaries. The fact that his recent essay supporting the President's war strategy is news at all is an indication of how low the President's approval ratings have sunk, how desperate the President is to find some political cover for the debacle in Iraq. It's not an indication that Sen. Lieberman's opinion carries any real weight in Washington, among either Democrats or Republicans.
So, why are some Democrats irritated by Sen. Lieberman? It's certainly not because of his supposed principle and consistency. In 2003, Sen. Lieberman had these things to say about how President Bush was conducting the war in Iraq:
The President’s conduct of our foreign policy is giving the country too many reasons to question his leadership. It’s not just about 16 words in a speech, it is about distorting intelligence and diminishing credibility.Perhaps the recent irritation is rooted in Sen. Lieberman's inconsistency in holding President Bush accountable to the high principles of office that Americans expect and deserve from their President.
There has been one value repeatedly missing from this Presidency, and that value is integrity. By deception and disarray, this White House has betrayed the just cause of fighting terrorism and tyranny around the world.
It's ironic that Sen. Lieberman is now the darling of Republicans. Perhaps if more of them had voted for him in 2000, the country would not be in the mess it's in now. Perhaps, if they had at least shown respect for him then, they could point proudly to his support now without looking hypocritical and desperate. Perhaps the DMN should send this editorial back to rewrite.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Offended? Use reason this season
What she doesn't realize is that nonpartisanship is not a shared value in this culture war. Nonpartisanship can be mistaken for tolerance of the opposing views. And tolerance is anathema to fundamentalist Christians. A popular bumper sticker reads, "Truth, not tolerance."
William Murchison, in a post on the Dallas Blog, informs readers of an art contest sponsored by the Plano Independent School District that is meant to foster "harmony, respect, tolerance, acceptance, and understanding among or between different racial, cultural, ethnic, and/or religious groups." Mr. Murchison assures us, in a tone dripping with disdain, "I'm not making this up." He describes the attitude as "pallid stuff" that ought to cause Plano to "keel over collectively from boredom and stupefaction."
Tolerance is not welcome on one side of this culture war. You can't NOT take sides. You're either with us or against us. Ms. Floyd gives away which side she is on in her column's title, which is a call to "use reason this season." She apparently doesn't remember Martin Luther's warning that "reason is the enemy of faith."
Happy Hanakkah, Happy Festivus, Merry Christmas, Happy Boxing Day, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy New Year everyone! Whew, that was a mouthful. How about if I just wish everyone Happy Holidays?
Classrooms in Need: Texas is still short on certified teachers
Alternative certification should be considered only a stopgap measure, at best. Our children deserve to be taught by professionals, not teachers in training. Worse, in many cases this investment in training never pays off. Many new teachers leave the profession within the first few years, so many of these teachers with alternative certification never complete their prescribed education. It's folly to put untrained teachers in front of classrooms, on the one hand, and demand more accountability for results, on the other.
What will it take to attract and retain qualified individuals to the teaching profession? Better pay and rewards, facilities and resources, support and security, opportunities for continued professional development. Continue to insist that education in Texas is adequately funded already, and no system of accountability will attract the talent we want in our classrooms. Create sufficient incentives to attract good teachers in the first place, and accountability will not be a problem.
Setting Their Own Course: More Iraqis are taking part in democracy
It's unlikely that these elections are a turning point in Iraq's history, a turn towards liberal, Western democratic government. But perhaps the elections will provide an opening, an opening big enough and lasting long enough, for the President to declare victory and draw down American troops. The elections might provide the fig leaf this President needs to extract the US from the debacle it created. Perhaps not cause for celebration, but at least cause for relief.
Monday, December 12, 2005
If home-schooling counts, make it accountable
On the other hand, home-schoolers are unwilling to trust the welfare of their children to state agencies. If they don't trust public schools, they won't warmly receive child welfare agents inspecting and regulating the home school environment and program. Attempts to identify and address cases of abuse will be met with resistance, non-compliance and obstruction, even when no abuse is occurring. No good will come from that for the child whose parents are already providing a good education. Meanwhile, cases like Roger's 13-year-old granddaughter who is following rock bands up and down the West Coast with her mother, probably won't be tracked down and found anyway.
A reasonable compromise would be to handle home schooling abuses like we handle other kinds of child neglect. Parents are not required to report how they care for their children, but if the state receives a report of child neglect, the state has the power to investigate and take action. But, as the Home School Legal Defense Fund appears to resist any regulatory oversight at all because it opens the door to further regulation, even this reasonable compromise probably is unachievable. Home school parents, in their efforts to keep at bay unwanted state involvement in their own child's welfare, end up preventing the state from aiding children who truly are in need of help. How ironic and sad.
Dallas, City of Walkers: With comprehensive plan, it could happen
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Globalism's role in pricing power
Add rising energy prices to global competition and you have a perfect storm that puts tremendous pressure on American jobs. Expect each new labor contract to include givebacks in the form of wage cuts and lower health and retirement benefits. In the past, such concessions came only after long and sometimes violent strikes. Today, striking only hastens the move of jobs offshore. It's a counterproductive tactic.
How does the US remain competitive? The main driver is productivity growth. Businesses are aggressively exploiting the increased efficiencies made possible by technology: computers and the Internet. In the future, it will be nanotechnology and biotechnology that offer the US a competitive edge, provided we step up investment in basic research. But competitive pressures facing businesses are leading them to scale back their own private research labs, not re-invigorate them. And the public sector's involvement in basic research has been cut back by a generation of public policy officials brought up to believe government is the problem, not the solution. Restoring the national means and national will to invest in America's future is the challenge facing the US in the 21st century.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
You can't please all of the people all of the time
To avoid offending Christians, next year he'll have to send Christian greeting cards to everyone. The people of other faiths will probably handle it OK. After all, even the Jews and Muslims are beginning to look more tolerant than some Christians these days.
Friday, December 09, 2005
When it comes to maps, politicians will be politicians
Given the same votes, person-by-person, it's possible to end up with quite different proportions of party representation in the legislature, depending on where the district boundaries are drawn. In fact, any system of drawing boundaries will result in complaints that one party or another has been disadvantaged, simply because another drawing of the boundaries will always exist that would have led to quite different results.
Maybe it's not all bad that politics controls the outcome, that the party in power controls redistricting. A system that requires the party out of power to achieve a significant majority to turn the ruling party out of office creates stability. Stability of government is, in general, a Good Thing™. As long as gerrymandering doesn't put up barriers so high that no change in the will of the voters is enough to result in a change of government, I just can't work up too much indignation about gerrymandering. As long as the party in power remains capable of being embarrassed when secrets of their gerrymandering efforts are made public, the system is probably still working. ... Probably.
Our global success depends on language
Yes, English was, is, and will be the national language. Yes, the ability to speak English is an essential skill for all citizens and residents of America. But the way to achieve that is to offer and promote English language classes, just as the way to achieve fluency in Spanish, Chinese, Farsi, etc., is to offer and promote classes in those languages. The fact that we already have so many people in America who speak so many of these languages is a national strength that we should draw on, not try to stamp out. More and more, our economic well being, even our national security, depend on it.
Beyond DeLay: New leaders could help GOP - and country
Karl Rove is under federal investigation for leaking information about a covert CIA officer. He continues to serve the President in the absence of an indictment. A half dozen Congressmen, including Rep. Tom Delay (R-TX), are under investigation as part of the federal investigation into Jack Abramoff's lobbying efforts. Mr. Delay is already under indictment for money laundering in an effort to circumvent Texas state law against corporate contributions to political candidates. Rep. "Duke" Cunningham (R-CA) was embroiled in influence peddling accusations for months before resigning when he was finally indicted. Yet the Ethics Committee of the House of Representatives opened no hearings on these matters, imposed no discipline, shows no concern about these scandals. In fact, the Speaker of the House proposes to delay the House's return to business until after Delay's trial in January, as if an acquittal is all that's necessary to hold a leadership position in the Republican Party in Congress. The country deserves a higher standard.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Hussein's Trial: A fair hearing? You bet. A victim? Hah.
Saddam could deny atrocities were committed. But the evidence is overwhelming. Or he can admit atrocities happened but plead exculpatory circumstances. He can plausibly claim that Iraq was fighting a war against Iran, a war against Islamic extremists, a war against rebel Kurds, even a war against America. Extreme measures are sometimes necessary in wars. Civil rights are sometimes restricted, even for one's own citizens. It'll be up to a jury to decide whether Saddams's extreme actions were justified by this line of defense.
DMN might have prejudged the answer. I might have prejudged the answer. The families of Saddam's victims might have prejudged the answer. But if Iraq cannot assemble a jury that has not prejudged the answer, then Saddam cannot get a fair trial.
Even demons deserve a fair trial. Dialogue from Robert Bolt's play A Man for All Seasons applies:
ROPER: So now you'd give the devil the benefit of law?MORE: Yes. What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the devil?
ROPER: I'd cut down every tree in England to do that.
MORE: Oh, and when the last law was down and the devil turned on you where would you hide, Roper, all the laws being flat? This country is planted thick with laws from coast to coast, man's laws not God's, and if you cut them down - and you're just the man to do it - do you really think that you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I'd give the devil the benefit of the law, for my own safety's sake.
More Stubs, Not Snubs: Limit high school title games to larger stadiums
If DMN wants to change the system, at least propose a solution that would have prevented the problem that is triggering the complaints in the first place. If the DMN's proposal were in place this year, there still wouldn't be enough "stubs". The site for the Highland Park/Marshall game can admit 17,000 fans. Printing 3,000 more tickets still wouldn't meet the demand. Last week's Southlake Carroll/Plano game at Texas Stadium attracted 34,000 fans, and that wasn't even a championship game. Increase the stadium minimum seat count requirement to 50,000 for championship games and set requirements for earlier rounds as well and the proposal may make sense.
By the way, I wish news media would report on the stadium selection process for each game in the playoffs. Fans often are left wondering how a particular site was chosen and which sites were offered and rejected by opposing coaches. Because the coaches obviously believe that such choices can inflence the outcome of the game, fans should be allowed to follow this pre-game action.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Oh, holiday tree?
And if the religious conservatives want to pressure retailers into featuring their religious preferences, that's how our free market system works, I guess. I don't like to see religious litmus tests for shopping, recreation, voting, etc., but the laws of the land don't forbid it, currently. I predict that eventually society will see the harm that such sectarian discrimination leads to and passes laws to forbid it. If so, it will be ironic that religious conservatives trigger even more government intrusiveness into the private sector.
Another irony about the current campaign is that a generation ago, some Christians complained about the commercialization of Christmas. They objected to using the occasion of Christ's birth to sell everything from toys to toasters. Decorating stores with Christmas trees and wreathes and garlands and advertisements wishing everyone a "Merry Christmas" was considered disrespectful then. Ironically, today, many Christians are taking offense as stores tone down the religious tie-in of their commercial advertising. Who would have thought that the old slogan "Put Christ back in Christmas" would become a call for merchants to commercialize the heck out of the birth of Jesus again, with churchgoers leading the charge?
We Can Cotton to This: But only if city gets long-term Texas-OU deal
The bad news: this plan is doomed. Texas-OU are not likely to commit to the 12 years Laura Miller hopes for and the DMN demands as a minimum, not in return for a little sprucing up of an obsolete stadium. And the BCS isn't going to commit to play a major bowl game in January in a still-old, uncovered stadium in Dallas. I'm not sure the Big 12 Conference would commit their championship game, either.
The good news: this plan is doomed. Paying $50 million for one big-time football game a year doesn't make economic sense. Instead, this announcement sounds like politicians seeking cover for the inevitable loss of the Texas-OU football game. There's not much likelihood of success, but at least they can argue they tried. And save $50 million in the bargain.
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Weak on Security: Washington must do more to protect America
Monday, December 05, 2005
This Is Too Bad: If we ignore 'evil' Wal-Mart, will it go away?
Many already do NOT shop at Wal-Mart on principal. Others do, not by preference, but by lack of choice. Others work there for the same reason. Doing so does not mean they support "evil." Regardless whether one shops there or works there or not, Wal-Mart has a profound impact on our neighborhoods, our shopping choices, our wages and benefits and job opportunities. And that's worth discussing and arguing and lobbying to improve.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Great Tirade Battle is a war of words
Ms. Miller is an old pro in journalism. She must know this. So, how should we account for her taking offense at having her tirade be called a tirade? Perhaps her fighting with reporters is not so much calculated intimidation as it is plain old character flaw. Petulance. Now, there's a word to fight over.
Go for Transit Glory: Keep moving toward regional system
'You get what you pay for' is true in the public sector as well as the private sector. So, what will break that anti-tax obsession? Good government. Unfortunately, the headlines from Washington (Delay, Abramoff, "Duke" Cunningham) to Dallas (DISD car allowances, vendors' yachts, etc.) give voters no reason to believe that their tax dollars will be well spent, no matter how worthy a cause regional public transportation might be.
Friday, December 02, 2005
Reshaping Israel: Leaders make welcome move toward center
Senator John McCain is no Ariel Sharon. McCain never reached the top. The Republicans rejected him in 2000 and McCain himself turned down Democratic entreaties to switch parties in 2004. Instead, today, McCain is a lonely warrior, advocating causes that alienate as many as they attract. His calls for the US to renounce torture would cost him votes among Republican Bush loyalists. His calls for more US troops in Iraq would cost him votes among Democrats and independents. The US electoral system makes any third party effort virtually impossible to succeed. McCain's current positions make the odds even longer.
Why Guest Workers?: Plan offers real chance for immigration reform
Isn't a "guest-worker program" just code for "amnesty"? Yes. Like it or not, an amnesty program is necessary.
But those here already wouldn't be punished? No. But there will be conditions on receiving amnesty.
Wouldn't deportation be punishment? Yes, it would be, but deporting 11 million illegal aliens is impractical, disruptive and even dangerous to American citizens.
What message does a guest worker program send to immigrants who have followed our laws? That they will now be treated better themselves, instead of always being automatically assumed to be among the 11 million illegal immigrants.
Why not focus on beefing up the Border Patrol first? That's a good goal, too.
One Error Is One Too Many: Review and fix Texas' death-row system
Dozens of people have been released from death row when evidence of their innocence emerged, many times as a result of efforts not available to most death row inmates. How can anyone claim that no other errors have avoided detection? For anyone to claim that the legal system in Texas, or any state, or any legal system devised by human society, has always been error-free, and will always be error-free, is grossly offensive. There are valid arguments that can be made in favor of the death penalty. This isn't one of them.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
At Last, a War Strategy
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is already speculating on troop withdrawals beginning in 2006. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld says that troop levels will be determined by the military commanders, giving him cover from possible charges of retreat. Vice President Cheney began running this game plan last Spring already, when he confidently reported that the insurgency was in its "last throes." He was too early and the insurgents didn't cooperate, but expect him to try this line again in Spring, 2006.
So, there won't be any showdown on Capitol Hill between Congress and the White House. The troops will begin to come home. Remaining troops will move into a support role. The Shiites will be given more latitude to suppress the Sunnis. The Administration will portray this as Iraqis taking the lead in the war on terror, not as a worsening civil war. So long as the White House can announce, every so often, another drawdown of troops, Congress and the American people will be appeased.
In short, the President didn't announce a war strategy so much as a political strategy. Now, if the insurgents just cooperate and provide a decent interval for the Americans to depart, Bush can have his victory and the insurgents can eventually have their country. And everyone else can argue for a generation whether it was worth it.