What Makes Rod Stupid?
On The Dallas Morning News Opinion blog, Rod Dreher asks, in his perfect straight man imitation, "Is Google making us stupid?"
Of course, the obvious answer is, "No, Rod, it's not Google that's making you stupid."
Richardson and Red Light Cameras
According to The Dallas Morning News, Richardson is considering expanding its use of cameras to catch red light runners. Assistant City Manager David Morgan said the city sees the camera program as a tool to improve safety, not as a cash cow. "We’re basically breaking even on revenue," he said. "The system is paying for itself."
The system works. Its purpose is public safety, not revenue generation. I say to Richardson, step on it.
har har! Indeed, once I see Rod Dreher's name on an article, I [Skip To Next]. Life is too short to listen to anything he has to say.
Despite the humorous jab, I don't find Rod Dreher to be stupid. He just has a medieval mindset. Modern humans probably sound just as illogical to him as he does to the rest of us.
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