Sunday, November 11, 2007

Presidential candidates - Bloomberg

DallasMorningViews | Keven Ann Willey:
“Should Bloomberg run for president? Will he run for president? Would he be a good candidate? Who would his candidacy hurt the most? And most important: Would he make a good president?”
Ed Cognoski responds:

Should he run? The Newsweek story Ms Willey quotes from says Bloomberg is pro-choice, pro-gun control, pro-gay rights, against global warming, a fiscal hawk and an unabashed supporter of free trade. Because he has no chance of winning as an independent or third party candidate, then his running would serve only to siphon votes away from another candidate who shares similar views, thus decreasing the likelihood of having a President who can actually advance his causes.

Will he run? Given the above, running would be a vanity act. Billionaires and vanity have been known to run together. Whether Bloomberg is vain enough to run, I don't know.

Will he make a good President? History suggests that humility is a better predictor of success in the Presidency than vanity.

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