Wednesday, April 18, 2007

May I have a word? Liberal | Scott Bennett:
“Last week the liberal Texas Observer provided a great piece of investigative journalism when it reported the state was creating a massive database within the governor’s Office of Homeland Security in apparent violation of federal law.”
Ed Cognoski responds:

What does the word "liberal" add to the lead to this Dallas Blog story? Not much. It probably says more about Scott Bennett than the issue at hand. Possibly, Mr Bennett is subconsciously admitting that he's not in the habit of saying a good word about liberals.

Or maybe it's just part of a new policy at Dallas Blog to identify the partisan leanings of the media from which Dallas Blog draws its stories. If so, in future stories, we can expect to read about the conservative Washington Times, the conservative Wall Street Journal, the conservative Fox News, the conservative Sunday Telegraph, the conservative Catholic World News, the conservative World Net Daily, to name just a few of Dallas Blog's usual sources. Dallas Blog editors better dust off the old thesaurus because with a truth-in-journalism policy, that adjective conservative is going to get a lot of use. It may say "news and viewpoints" on the masthead, but what "news" there is is freely slanted by viewpoints.

P.S. I, too, thought that the Texas Observer's work was outstanding! And the conservative Dallas Blog was right to point it out. ;-)

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